Ruth Mae



Click on the left-hand image for more examples of work and full statement

The bowl form holds, for me, a love and fascination which I desire to communicate through making work with a dynamic which brings life and grace to the pieces. Whether I am making bowls for everyday use or more decorative pieces, I aim to produce strong tactile and graceful shapes. Although I work on a relatively small scale, it is my wish to make pieces, which have a presence of their own.

Woodturned vessels

The timbers I use are principally Scottish grown hardwoods. In the main, I source these from local windblown trees or other sustainable sources. Some of my work is initially turned from unseasoned (green) wood, particularly when I make delicate, thin-walled bowls.

I started my work as a woodturner a number of years ago at Walcot Reclamation Yard, Bath where I trained as an architectural / artisan turner. Here I collaborated with other woodworkers, architects and builders on projects, mainly for the restoration of listed buildings, both public and private. My work consisted in producing high quality turnings for stair balustrades, furniture turnings etc. This intensive period of disciplined craft work gave me a strong foundation for my present, more creative work in wood. (I continued this artisan work in Glasgow (1990’s) while completing degree and postgraduate studies in Philosophy).

In 2025, I started to concentrate on bowl work and in 2025 was fortunate to move to the Isle of Arran where I am able to work from my home / studio.